Previous Meetings
Past Compass meeting topics include:
- Aging in a new gender; boyhood/manhood and age-related issues
- Emotional/Mental Health (Coping)
- Trans Activism: How we each do our own activism
- Pride
- Spirituality
- Feminism/Misogyny: How we express or experience feminism/misogyny
- Trans Advantage/rejecting toxic masculinity
- Art Night: FTM imagery
- The Spectrum of Outness
- Coping Strategies for Body Dysphoria
- How to deal with being male-gendered and the resulting
changes in culture / socioeconomic position / race, etc.
- "What we wish you heard us saying" (Listening and dialogue between various groups on the FTM spectrum)
- Sex / Sexual Identity / Relationships / Dating and Disclosing
- Transition Milestones and Speed Bumps
- "The Way We Were" (Optional - bring photos from our pasts, etc.)
- "Entering the Community of Men" (Bonding with cis men/male socialization)
- "Making Our Bodies Our Own" (health/exercise/body masculinization, etc.)
- "Expressing Your Inner Man" (passing tips/packing/etc.)
- Writing workshop
- Parenting While Trans / Starting a family
- "All about me" - telling our stories, integrating our personal histories into our present
- Trans in the workplace
- Family Issues
- What no one told you about before social/medical transition
- The How-Did-You-Know-You-Were-Trans? narrative
- The evolution/effects/process/meaning of transition over time (5, 10, 20 years)
Back to upcoming meetings page.